Travel Oregon has released a modern take of the classic Oregon Trail video game—but instead of dying from dysentery and trading for berries, you can buy kombucha and drink a pint of Lompoc at a brewery.
From now until December 31, you can play Travel Oregon: The Game, inspired by the classic 1971 Oregon Trail game, which was not inducted into the Video Game Hall of Fame until last year, for some reason.
Travel Oregon's game uses the MS-DOS aesthetic of the original game, but the journey is modern. Instead of being a banker, you can be a fly-fishing guide, yoga instructor, winemaker, surfer (ugh), ski pro or apple farmer.
And instead of dying from measles, you can die from the very real threats of food coma, wet socks, too much kombucha, or car sickness.
We started playing, and also learned that you start with $1,200 and can purchase artisanal coffee, snow chains and craft beer. You can also visit a brewery, where you can drink beer from Deschutes, Gigantic, Lompoc and Great Notion, among others.

More adventures await—especially once you get to the Mt. Hood and the Willamette Falls sections, where you will meet Chad:

You have our permission to waste your entire Monday playing.
And if you're craving the classic MS-DOS version, we found where you can still play it online.