A Guide to Getting It on in America’s Kinkiest City

When it comes to, well, coming, everybody’s got their something. And in Portland, we’ve got more something than almost anywhere else.

Your barista needs a spanking.

And the Lyft driver who dropped you off at work this morning? He's looking to get trampled by a pair of stiletto heels. That couple at the PTA meeting? They've got a closet full of latex bodysuits, dog collars and riding crops, and do naughty Disney cosplay on the weekends.

Hey, no judgment here. When it comes to, well, coming, everybody's got their something. And in Portland, we've got more something than almost anywhere else.

Sex positivity isn't just one of the main tenets of living here, it's damn near a requirement. After all, this is the place famous for having more strip clubs per capita than any other American city, and where one of our most treasured civic events involves thousands of people tearing off their clothes and jumping on bikes.

But it's not just our casual attitude toward bare flesh that's earned us a reputation as a sexually progressive hub—it's the specific stuff that gets us going.

In 2015, no less an authority than the website kink.com declared Portland the kinkiest city in the country, based on the percentage of Portlanders who openly belong to fetish communities and the amount of resources available to them, which is "nearly as rich" as larger cities like San Francisco, New York and Chicago.

Is it true? Possibly. But it doesn't take a dominatrix to tell you that for people looking to expand the boundaries of their sex life, there's pretty much no better place to start.

Of course, the first step to getting what you want is knowing what you want. So we begin this issue with a worksheet designed to draw out your inner kink. If group sex turns out to be your thing, we've arranged a practical guide to hosting your first orgy, along with a roundup of the many places in town that will effectively host for you. If you prefer to go it alone, we talked to a local couple who've made a career out of illustrating sex toy reviews about the best introductory devices on the market.

But being sex positive isn't just about embracing kink. It's also about acknowledging and treating trauma. We spoke to a certified "surrogate partner," who uses hands-on techniques to help clients overcome sex-related anxiety and shame—up to and including actual intercourse. And we put together a calendar of sex-related classes, meet-ups and events happening regularly in town, to further assist you in finding your scene.

And if none of this gets your blood pumping, that's totally fine, too. Again, there's no judgment. But for the kink curious, or mere voyeurs, we hope this issue encourages you to bring your fantasies to life. Go forth and get your freak on.

Need an Assist to Bring Out Your Inner Kink? These Worksheets Will Help You Figure Out What You're Really Into.

So You've Decided to Host Your First Sex Party. Here Are Some Guidelines.

A Roundup of Portland Sex Clubs

Surrogate Therapy Takes a Hands-On Approach to Overcoming Sexual Trauma—Up to and Including Intercourse

For Viola Parker, Being a Dominatrix Isn't About Dishing Out Pain. It's About Control.

The Creators of Web Comic Oh Joy Sex Toy Talk About Their Favorite Introductory Sex Toys

An Erotic Portland Events Calendar

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