Adult Soapbox Derby Draws 7,000 to Mount Tabor, Plus Pee-wee Herman and a Giant Killer Rabbit

In all, 42 teams hurtled down the giant cinder cone.

Adult Soapbox Derby (Chris Nesseth)

After launching a streamed shoebox version of the Portland Adult Soapbox Derby in 2020, and then canceling the event last year altogether, the full-scale race finally returned, in person, to Mount Tabor on Sept. 20.

The pandemic absence didn’t quell the creativity of participants, who made buggies paying homage to cultural icons like Pee-wee Herman and the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog.

In all, 42 teams hurtled down the giant cinder cone, and they were cheered on by an estimated 7,000 spectators.

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