At Portland Japanese Garden, String Music and Plum Branches Usher in the New Year

Since 2024 is the Year of the Dragon, attendees also painted dragons.

O-SHOGATSU FESTIVAL: Portland Japanese Gardens (Michael Raines)

The Portland Japanese Garden kicked off the new year with its annual O-Shogatsu celebration, treating attendees to a packed day of art, music and performance.

Among the entrancing sights were kadomatsu—traditional arrangements of pine, bamboo and plum branches—and a performance by Oregon Koto-Kai (a koto is a traditional Japanese zither with 13 silk strings and movable bridges).

Since 2024 is the Year of the Dragon, attendees also painted dragons, practicing Sumi-e (Japanese brush painting) and celebrating the start of a year when those born are prophesied to become intelligent, impassioned leaders.

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