Moment Is Devoted to Presenting Exciting Live Performances in Focused Spaces

The next event will be at Leach Botanical Garden on July 28.

Leach Botanical Garden (Portland Parks)

If there are any positives to be found regarding the pandemic’s effects on live music, it might be a deeper appreciation for events that don’t take place in clubs and theaters. That’s especially true for performances by experimental artists Carl Stone or Alexandra Spence who make noise that doesn’t always fit well in spaces where the art comes second to alcohol sales.

“Those venues aren’t really conducive to a deep listening kind of experience or an experience of relaxation,” says Patricia Wolf, one of a quartet of artists behind Moment (, an organization devoted to presenting exciting artists, like the two mentioned above, in untraditional spaces.

So far, Moment has used spaces like a church sanctuary and an art gallery for events. And its upcoming concert, featuring local abstract beatmaker Quickly Quickly and a trio of spiritual jazz artists from L.A. made up of Qur’an Shaheed, Sharada Shashidhar and Me’kala Session, among others, will be held within the lush confines of Leach Botanical Garden on July 28.

“The garden is an interesting space to curate music for,” says Ajay Ravi, who with Carly Barton and Wolf’s husband, Max, rounds out the Moment team. “In a way, it’s like you’re experiencing the garden for four hours. You can explore the space and see how the space changes with the music or you can really listen to the music. There’s a lot of different ways to do it.”

See the rest of Willamette Week’s Best of Portland 2024 here!

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