Portland’s Bia Blends Is a Kinder, Gentler Energy Drink

Flavors like ginger glow, basic berry and tropical tease come in powder to mix with water.

Bia Blends BOP (Audrey Van Buskirk)

Cassie Mazie found herself stuck in a common cycle: coffee to wake up, wine to calm down. She added in high-caffeine energy drinks packed with mysterious-sounding ingredients to power through workouts. Anxious about her incessant ping-ponging between frantic striving and exhausted collapse, Mazie took nourishing her body and fueling her life into her own hands.

Previously an applied behavioral analyst focused on supporting children with autism, Mazie spent months tasting and perfecting Bia Blends (biablends.com), her line of kinder, gentler energy drinks, which recently celebrated its first birthday. Mixed with a big glass of water, each flavor of powder—ginger glow, basic berry and tropical tease—works for a pre-workout lift, a sweet boost to buoy you through a midafternoon slump, or any time you need extra motivation.

Mazie handmakes every batch in a local commercial kitchen and obsesses over details like putting the scoop at the top of each bag so you don’t have to dig to the bottom to find it. Her website offers deep, clear dives into the natural ingredients—B vitamins, L-theanine, carrot powder, etc. The blends are available with or without caffeine (always less than a typical cup of coffee). Follow Bia on IG for popups and samples. Up next: the Fremont Fair on Aug. 3.

See the rest of Willamette Week’s Best of Portland 2024 here!

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