Don’t Know What to Do With Your Plastic Election Yard Signs? Ridwell Does.

The Portland recycling company will collect and process the weatherproofed ads of winners and losers alike, for no charge.

Campaign signs at a Portland forum. (Brian Brose)

Election cycles have a lot in common with the winter holidays. They both offer festive, time-sensitive decorations to express your seasonal optimism with, that people will either glower at you for hanging up too soon, or place a wellness check with the authorities if you leave them up too long past their prime.

No matter how Election Night shook out, now is the time for gracious winners and losers alike to pack up their campaign swag before they keep calm and carry on to the next administration. Ridwell, the Portland-area company recycling difficult-to-process items like light bulbs and plastic film, will collect election signs starting on Friday, Nov. 25, for free, running through December.

Whether your candidates won and you’re out in the streets celebrating—or if leaving the couch seems too daunting by then—Ridwell’s complimentary pickup service comes to you. All you have to do to have your political signs hauled is sign up on Ridwell’s website. Users will be notified when their designated pickup date will be, and when to take action from there.

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