We're only a few week away from MusicfestNW presents Project Pabst! As the festival gets closer, we'll be introducing you to each of the 18 acts on the lineup, one at a time.
WHO: Zac Carper (guitar/lead vocals), Brandon Schwartzel (bass/vocals), Elvis Kuehn (guitar, vocals), Max Kuehn (drums)
SOUNDS LIKE: Disenchanted millennials day-drinking on a summer day at the skate park.
FOR FANS OF: NOFX, The Offspring, The Growlers, Bass Drum of Death.
LATEST RELEASE: Aside from a cover of Beastie Boys' "Sabotage," 2015 full-length Too is a fuzzed-out, beer-swilling batch of surf-punk.
WHY YOU CARE: FIDLAR is an acronym for Fuck It Dog, Life's A Risk, and speaks directly to the band's slacker mentality and sound. The Los Angeles quartet provides potent, escapist rock perfect for a complete and utter zone-out. It's living-for-the-weekend, anti-establishment fuzz with occasional bits of blues and frequent nods to the band's beloved California coastline. Sure, frontman Zac Carper is sober after years of partying and a subsequent stint in rehab. But as tracks like "Cheap Beer" and "Wake Bake Skate" attest, going hard is in his DNA—and, by association, in FIDLAR's zero-fucks-given, garage-rock sound.
SEE IT: FIDLAR plays MusicfestNW presents Project Pabst at Tom McCall Waterfront Park on Saturday, Aug. 26.
MusicfestNW presents Project Pabst is Aug. 26-27 at Tom McCall Waterfront Park. Get tickets here.

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