Prolific Portland Musician Lauren K. Newman Has Died

She was known as much for her ferocious percussion skills as for her ability to shred guitar and captivating stage presence.

(WW archives.)

Stalwart Portland musician and recording engineer Lauren K. Newman has died, according to multiple reports on social media. She was 41 years old.

Newman began playing drums at age 5. After moving from to Portland from Florida, she became enmeshed in the local scene, and was known as much for her ferocious percussion skills as for her ability to shred guitar and captivating stage presence—Newman often performed with her long black hair completely covering her face.

Her best known projects include her solo work as LKN and her heavy post-rock duo Palo Verde. She also taught at Portland's Rock'n'Roll Camp for Girls and recorded numerous local musicians.

A cause of death has not yet been confirmed. The Portland Mercury first reported the news of her passing.

Since news of her death became public earlier today, Newman's Facebook page has been flooded with tributes from local musicians.

"She was so aggressively talented and there was no scarcity," wrote illustrator Nicole George, who played with Newman in the cover band Minor Treat. "She was more than willing to support other musicians and bring them into the fold. Scaring/inspiring kids at rock camp, guesting all over town, and she even offered to throw open the back doors of her van, hook up a generator and have us play on the street somewhere, wherever. She just gave and got a lot of life from playing."

More on Lauren K. Newman from WW archives:

Wrecking Crew: A Songwriting Ride-Along with the Madwoman behind LKN.

Perfection is Boring. Palo Verde is Not.

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