3939 N Mississippi Ave., 503-288-3895, mississippistudios.com.
Best Place to Gate Crash: Want to get your schmooze with your favorite local band? Or blindside the touring act you came to see with awkward, Chris Farley Show-style questions? You may be in luck! The very back of the smoking patio brushes perilously close to an oft-unguarded green room area at Mississippi Studios. Now, this isn’t a license to act like a creeper or talk an artist’s ear off about how you were once in a band and almost made it big. But it may be a chance to share a brew, compliment a set, or share your knowledge of the cool spots to eat in Portland.
Best Vantage Point: The small balcony up on the left side of the room is first come, first served. Try to snag a spot up there right when you arrive—it’s usually full by the time people realize it’s there—but don’t lose hope if you don’t make it. Mississippi Studios can have pretty rough sightlines on the ground floor, especially during acts that attract a lot of tall people (looking at you, metal bands!). If, however, you’re looking for space and comfort, you should feel no shame heading to the back by the bar and taking in the band from that viewpoint. This also allows you easier access to the venue’s usually impressive draft list and cocktail selection, should you feel so inclined.
Best Living Room Vibes: Besides the immaculate sound and supreme curatorial powers of its bookers, what makes Mississippi Studios such an iconic destination for both fans and bands is the cozy living room layout. The stage is adorned with vintage lamps, drums, and a painting of a gladiator woman that looks like it was found at an estate sale in the West Hills. All of this adds a warm, bohemian vibe that is enhanced by the psychedelic rugs that cover the floor. If there is such a thing as a perfect venue to duck in from the cold and dreary winter weather, Mississippi is it.
Best Bathroom and Bar Backup: We all hate standing in line at a show, whether we’re waiting to order a drink or our bladder is about to burst after a killer set. Luckily, you can swiftly move back and forth between Mississippi and Bar Bar. This means you can pop over to take advantage of the facilities, grab a beverage if you don’t feel like waiting, or even get a bite to eat. But it’s really all about the bathroom, and taking a quick jaunt next door might ultimately mean more time to watch the show and less time waiting in line.