Of the electronic acts that recorded for the great Warp Records in the 1990s, Plaid is the sweetest and most playful. With Autechre far off the deep end, Boards of Canada AWOL, and Aphex Twin as wily and unpredictable as ever, Plaid can still be counted on to make rich, melodic, wildly addicting albums of drum-machine trickery and synth-pad beauty—not least the new Feorm Falorx, in support of which they’re touring an AV set. Holocene, 1001 SE Morrison St. 9 pm. $20. 21+.
If San Jose’s DJ Shadow had only released his 1996 debut Endtroducing…, allegedly the first and likely the best album comprising entirely samples, he still would’ve changed hip-hop forever—but the beatmaker has continued to explore new territory with or without samples, from weird A&R projects like Unkle to playful experiments like The Private Press to the dizzying drum programming of his new Action Adventure. Revolution Hall, 1300 SE Stark St. 8 pm. $39.50. All ages.
Adrianne Lenker’s animist warble may be the most recognizable sound associated with the great NYC roots-rock band Big Thief, but guitarist and consummate Southern gentleman Buck Meek is as central to the band’s eclectic and idiosyncratic style—and his solo career is nothing to scoff at, not least on his countrified new record Haunted Mountain. Opening this Portland show is his brother Dylan, also a formidable musician. Mississippi Studios, 3939 N Mississippi Ave. 8 pm. $20. 21+.