In the first 10 days of 2017, four people have died of hypothermia on the streets of Portland.
We've had one of the coldest starts to the New Year, with temperatures yet to reacher higher than 41 degrees, and hitting as low as 17 degrees. Last year, the first week of January saw temperatures as high as 57 degrees.
Related: Portland woman who died of hypothermia was evicted for not paying $338 in rent.
In the last two days, we've seen the most snow since 1980. Governor Kate Brown and Mayor Ted Wheeler have declared Oregon a state of emergency after Portland got a foot of snowfall in a single day.

In his declaration of emergency, Wheeler cited how the winter weather has increased the effects of the housing crisis.

You may be wondering how you can help. Here are three organizations that are in need of supplies.
665 NW Hoyt Street, 280-4700 Ext. 2
111 W Burnside Street, 647-7466
3. Salvation Army Female Emergency Shelter (SAFES)
30 SW 2nd Avenue, 227-0810
Specifically, these organizations need blankets, tarps, jackets, socks, gloves and hand-warmer packets. You can drop off donations at each location.
If you're stuck at home, you can still donate. The Union Gospel Mission has set up an Amazon Wishlist, where you can directly purchase sleeping bags, blankets, gloves and sleeping pads to be donated to the shelter, with items ranging from $9-32. You can also donate money here.
Severe weather conditions are expected through Sunday morning. Here's a full list of cold-weather shelters that are open.
If you see someone in need of shelter, call the police non-emergency number at 503-823-3333. If you are in need of shelter, you can contact 211 Info by dialing 2-1-1.