In 1981, the Ranjeeshees appeared in Antelope, Oregon in droves—seemingly from nowhere and clad in orange and red robes. For three years, their arrival was one of state's biggest stories, along with the mystery surrounding their guru, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.
The thousands of acres the group purchased in Wasco county were transformed into a town—replete with an airstrip, restaurants and a fire department.
At the start of the Rajneeshees' decline, however, hundreds of the nation's homeless were bussed into town and salad bars in The Dalles contaminated with salmonella in organized efforts to gain political control. The group's mastermind, Ma Anand Sheela, was also convicted of attempted murder.
Now, thirty year's after the cult's unraveling, Rajneeshpuram has been transformed into a Christian youth summer camp, Washington Family Ranch.
And the city of Antelope has gone back to its preferred state: obscurity.
Here's a look back through the decades at what the commune looked like in the early '80s, and what it and the city of Antelope look like today.
Early Rajneeshpuram photos are provided via WW's photo archives. Present day photos are courtesy of Younglife—the youth Christian group that now organizes summer camps at Washington Family Ranch—and present day Antelope photos were taken by Rosie Struve.
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Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s. (Cathy Cheney for WW)
Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s. (Cathy Cheney for WW)
Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s. (Cathy Cheney for WW)
Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s. (Cathy Cheney for WW)
Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s. (Cathy Cheney for WW)
Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s. (Cathy Cheney for WW)
Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s. (Cathy Cheney for WW)
Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s. (Cathy Cheney for WW)
Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s. (Cathy Cheney for WW)
Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s. (Cathy Cheney for WW)
Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s. (Cathy Cheney for WW)
Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s. (Cathy Cheney for WW)
Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s. (Cathy Cheney for WW)
Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s. (Cathy Cheney for WW)
Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s. (Cathy Cheney for WW)
Every day, from 1:45 to 2:30, people lined up in the Oregon desert to watch Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh drive by in a Rolls-Royce. ( (Cathy Cheney for WW))
Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s. (Cathy Cheney for WW)
(Samvado Gunnar Kossatz)
Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s.
Rajneeshpuram in the early ’80s. (Cathy Cheney for WW)
Ma Anand Sheela
Ma Anand Sheela
Ma Anand Sheela and Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.
The city of Antelope today. (Rosie Struve)
Antelope Schoolhouse (Rosie Struve)
Antelope (Rosie Struve)
Antelope Cafe (Rosie Struve)
Magdalena Cafe, at former site of Rajneeshpuram (Rosie Struve)
Antelope (Rosie Struve)
Antelope (Rosie Struve)
Antelope Cafe (Rosie Struve)
Antelope Cafe (Rosie Struve)
Rajneeshpuram today, now Washington Family Ranch, a Christian youth summer camp. (Courtesy of Young Life)
Rajneeshpuram today, now Washington Family Ranch, a Christian youth summer camp. (Courtesy of Young Life)
Rajneeshpuram today, now Washington Family Ranch, a Christian youth summer camp. (Courtesy of Young Life)
Rajneeshpuram today, now Washington Family Ranch, a Christian youth summer camp. (Courtesy of Young Life)
Rajneeshpuram today, now Washington Family Ranch, a Christian youth summer camp. (Courtesy of Young Life)
Rajneeshpuram today, now Washington Family Ranch, a Christian youth summer camp. (Courtesy of Young Life)
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