Not every Portlander is enjoying the new e-scooters. Some would like them off their lawns.
When the Portland Bureau of Transportation launched its scooter pilot program last month, it also established a complaint line. City employees fielded complaints and summarized them in a spreadsheet. Via a public records request, WW obtained the list of complaints sent to the city—122 in the first nine days alone.
Meet the citizens who hate scooters the most.
John Moller
July 31, 5:55 pm, North Michigan Avenue
"GIVE me a break! This thing was left in the middle of the sidewalk. I tried to move it, but an alarm went off warning me to pay or it would call the police. It is now sitting in the street in front of my home. Please move it. What a waste and annoyance."
Amanda Martin
Aug. 1, 10:46 am
"Scooters are insane. No helmet. Middle of street. Huge inconvenience. Hurting businesses. Jeopardizing old people and children. Already too many modes of transportation. Only doing stuff for hip people. Not doing anything for East County. No sidewalks, bike lanes. Unfair system. Fees on everything. Not listening to people and representing. Not representing anyone outside downtown."
Steven King
Aug. 2, 8:05 pm, Southwest Jefferson Street
"Two scooters were on the sidewalk outside my business. We used to call things like this trash and removed them. PLEASE don't let this go on. Between them and the orange bikes, they are making our sidewalks a mess!"
Aug. 3, 10:04 am, Southeast 82nd Avenue and Division Street
"Caller has had past surgery with focus on head and sinuses; she is scared walking down sidewalk; if she collides with a cyclist or scooter user the impact could aggravate her health condition and blind her. Caller has not heard from one person who supports scooters. Is concerned by PBOT being overly informed by bicycle advocacy groups to the expense of neighborhood."
Bee Feuless
Aug. 3, 2:03 pm, Southwest Ankeny Street and Naito Parkway
"Couple in sidewalk, no helmets, crossing to enter Tom McCall [Waterfront] Park. I stopped and asked if they'd mind if I asked a couple questions, and they agreed. 'When you rented these scooters, were you informed of any laws or restrictions on their use?' 'No, nothing.' 'Did you know you must wear a helmet, cannot use sidewalks or enter parks?' 'No!' 'Thanks!' They then proceeded west into Tom McCall."

A Comparison of the Three Machines Zipping Down Portland's Streets
Which Portland E-Scooter Is the Fastest? We Raced Them.
Three Scooter Companies Are Competing to Own Portland's Streets. Here's How They Compare.
Data Sets Show Portlanders Are Welcoming Their New Scooter Overlords
Skip's CEO Says When Deploying Scooters, It's Better to Ask For Permission Than Forgiveness
Scooters Are Making People Mad—and They Might Spur the Next Breakthrough in Transportation
Meet the Portland Citizens Who Hate Scooters the Most
We Designed the Ideal E-Scooter For Portland Streets. Here's What It Looks Like.