Suspects Involved in Setting Portland Bike Path Booby Trap Indicted on Felony Charges

Their next court appearance is scheduled for Jan. 15.

Cyclists on the Hawthorne Bridge. (Natalie Behring)

Two of the men involved in setting a booby trap that snared a Portland cyclist earlier this month have been indicted on charges of felony assault and reckless endangerment.

Antonio Tolman-Duran, Dakota Murphy and Justin Jones were arrested on Nov. 9 for allegedly stringing twine across the I-205 multi use path and injuring Carlene Ostedgaard with cuts to the neck and face after she unknowingly pedaled through the trap.

In the police report filed by the responding officer, Jones and Tolman-Duran are quoted saying they want to "fuck with homeless."

Tolman-Duran and Jones pleaded not guilty during their arraignment in Multnomah County Circuit Court yesterday. Their next court appearance is scheduled for Jan. 15.

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