What Were the 18 Best Names Suggested for a Portland Baseball Team?
The Portland Diamond Project, which is backing a bid for a Major League Baseball stadium and team in Portland, asked citizens to suggest club names. We have ranked these suggestions. RACHEL MONAHAN.
1. Portland Protesters
2. Portland Pines
3. Portland Chinooks
4. Portland Wet Sox
5. Portland Crows
6. Portland Mavericks
7. Portland Beavers
8. Portland Lumberjacks
9. Portland Stumps
10. Portland Growlers
11. Portland RoseBuds
12. Portland Hipsters
13. Oregon Trail
14. Portland Pioneers
15. Portland Green Sox
16. Portland Panthers
17. Portland Steel
18. Portland Lions

What Were the 6 Greatest Days of U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley's Campaign for President?
1. Sept. 10, 2017.
Merkley makes his first visit to Iowa, an early primary state, for the Progress Iowa Corn Feed fundraiser.
2. March 24, 2018.
Merkley makes his first visit to New Hampshire, another early primary state.
3. June 3, 2018.
Merkley is barred from entering a camp for detained migrant children in Brownsville, Texas. He ignites a national firestorm over families separated at the border.
4. Nov. 13, 2018.
WW reports Merkley is seeking to overturn the Oregon law that bars him from running for president and senator at the same time.
5. Dec. 8, 2018.
In a tweet, Merkley concedes state lawmakers don't support him running for both jobs. "It doesn't appear that there is a consensus to make this move at this time and I'm completely fine with that," he says.
6. Dec. 20, 2018.
Fresh off a visit to immigrant detention centers in Texas, Merkley says in a stump speech in Iowa that he sent a quinceañera card to a young Honduran woman housed in what he described as an internment camp in Dilley, Texas. NIGEL JAQUISS.
What Were the 5 Greatest Things Fox News Said About Portland in 2018?
Fox News took a lot of shots at Portland this year, complaining about the city's "anti-Trump mayor" and allegedly lawless streets. Many of the conservative cable company's characterizations bear very little resemblance to the Portland we live in.
1. A Fox News panel declares in October that Portland has been taken over by "left-wing mob mentality," calls the city a "loony bin," and dubs Mayor Ted Wheeler "a nutcase."
2. "What do you get when you cross a bunch of angry losers with a cowardly mayor? How about a violent mob harassing innocent people," Greg Gutfeld writes in an October opinion piece for Fox News about protesters who damaged a car. "My favorite part? A pasty-white loser attacking a law-abiding driver for being white." Gutfeld calls the interaction a "hate crime."
3. This whitewashed description of right-wing agitation machine Patriot Prayer written by Nicole Darrah: "Patriot Prayer, which bills itself as a peaceful First Amendment advocacy group." (They do bill themselves that way, but their events are pretexts for brawls.)
4. Fox News writer Lukas Mikelionis gives Mayor Ted Wheeler a lot of undeserved credit for an activist camp that closed a federal building for several days: "The city mayor's support for the [Abolish ICE] movement led to the occupation of a building being used by ICE, harassment of some ICE employees, and the creation of a camp on a city's land."
5. This headline on a story describing one of the most brutal street beatings in Portland this year: "Patriot Prayer rally in Portland turns bloody; American flag saved from flames." KATIE SHEPHERD.

Who Were the 12 Greatest People Portland Lost in 2018?
1. Ursula K. Le Guin, author
2. Paul Allen, Microsoft co-founder, owner of the Trail Blazers and Seahawks
3. Will Vinton, clay animation pioneer
4. Idris "StarChile" O'Ferrall, hip-hop promoter
5. Jonny P. Jewels, musician, actor, restaurateur
6. Sandy Bodecker, pioneer of Nike's skateboarding division
7. Jeffrey Wonderful, designer, musician, playwright, co-founder of Rose City Rollers
8. Jim Gion, sculptor
9. Heather Hanson, local music photographer
10. Patrick Kenneally, co-founder of early 2000s Portland rock club the Blackbird
11. Christopher Cooper, co-founder of Cavity Search Records
12. Dustin Mills, co-founder of Eleven PDX magazine