Portland Opens Emergency Warming Shelters, Issues Severe Weather Alert As Temperatures Drop Below Freezing

Stay warm and don't drive tonight, if possible.

Bagdad Theater, Feb. 21, 2018. (Sam Gehrke)

Yes, that was snow you saw out your window earlier this afternoon. And it's probably going to turn into ice tonight.

An update from the National Weather Service of Portland warns of temperatures falling below freezing this evening, likely leading to formation of black ice on city streets and highways.

Related: Snow Didn't Stick in Portland Today. What Happened?

In response, Multnomah County will open severe weather shelters to serve homeless Portlanders tonight. That's a last-minute change of plans as the forecast deteriorates.

Nobody seeking a bed at the shelters—at Bud Clark Commons (655 NW Hoyt St.) or Sunrise Center (18901 E Burnside St.)—will be turned away.

Related: Here's Where to Locate Warming Shelters in Portland as Winter Temperatures Drop Below Freezing

"Severe weather shelters do not require identification or any other documentation," a county release reads. "Anyone in need of shelter should call 211 to access a bed and obtain transportation to that bed if needed."

The Portland Bureau of Transportation, which has been sending crews to salt and spray roads with de-icer since last night, has also issued a travel warning.

The agency warns of slick conditions from 4 pm to 7 pm during tonight's commute, and in the early-morning hours tomorrow.

"PBOT advises the public to be aware of forecasts, use caution, delay your travel to avoid traveling during forecast snow or ice," the advisory reads.

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