U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon) is joining with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) to introduce a resolution that would declare the climate crisis an emergency.
In a statement, Blumenauer's office cited the massive floods and tornadoes that have devastated the Midwest, melting of ice caps, droughts, wildfires and the record-breaking high temperatures of the last five years as indicators of the climate crisis.
"Already more than 600 cities and four countries who have recognized the climate emergency for what it is," the statement reads. "The United States must join them and show the world that it acknowledges the serious and urgent nature of this crisis."

Blumenauer, Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez will introduce the emergency resolution to the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives tomorrow. It specifically acknowledges that "massive, comprehensive and urgent" government action is necessary; that reversing the climate emergency means phasing-out oil, gas and coal; that actions must "actively engage frontline communities, Tribal governments and communities, people of color and labor unions"; and that the benefits of "climate mobilization" in the U.S. "far outweigh the costs of inaction."
If passed and signed by the president, the resolution would not compel Congress to take action but advocates, such as The Climate Mobilization, say it could hold the government accountable as being "on record in support of emergency action."
"Across the planet, we are seeing the impacts of the climate crisis," Blumenauer's office said in a statement. "Communities have rallied around a radical yet simple plan—tell the truth about this crisis and the urgent response needed to address it."