On Jan. 12, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) opened a campaign office in Northeast Portland. By this morning, its front window had been smashed in.
Warren is the first presidential candidate to open a brick-and-mortar office in Portland. It's on Northeast Halsey Street, near Northeast 102nd Avenue.
Photos of the vandalism at the Warren for President office were sent to WW this morning by a reader who walked by the shattered glass. Messages to the Warren campaign were not immediately returned. A Portland Police Bureau spokeswoman says no report has been filed.
Nothing about the vandalism indicates the motive of whoever did it.
Warren, a frontrunner for the Democratic Party nomination, has several running conflicts. She has long been a target of scorn from President Donald Trump, who mocks her claims of Native American heritage. This week, she entered open conflict with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont), when she said he told her a woman could not be elected president in the current political climate.