Air Pollution From Oregon Woodstoves Rival That From Wildfires

Particulate pollution is highest in Multnomah County.

Ash falls on Portland on Sunday, Sept. 4, 2017. (Emily Joan Greene)

Wildfires aren't the only thing threatening air quality in Oregon.

Data from the Oregon Environmental Council show that pollution from burning wood in chimneys and woodstoves can rival that from wildfires. Around 12.8 million pounds of harmful particulate matter is emitted from Oregon woodstoves and chimneys each year.

That's more than half of the pollution that resulted from the 2017 Sonoma County fires in California, which burned 110,700 acres and emitted around 20 million pounds of pollution.

"As we close 2019 and look toward meeting our health and climate goals for the near-term and future decades, Oregonians can make changes in their homes and support policies to protect our air quality and environment," environmental health director Jamie Pang said in a statement. "One big opportunity is to phase out the use of woodstoves and fireplaces and commit to cleaner ways of heating, and creating ambience, as a way to improve Oregon's air quality and save our climate."

In Multnomah County, particulate pollution is higher than that of any other region in Oregon, a heat map using the Department of Environmental Quality data shows. In Multnomah County alone in 2017, 1,645,446 pounds of particulate pollution were emitted.

The OEC said in a statement that some grants are available to help people transition away from wood burning. More information is available at

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