Oregon Labor Commissioner Says Walmart Broke Law by Refusing Gun Sale to Teen

Stores are legally obligated to sell guns to 18-year-olds in Oregon, unless lawmakers act.

(WW print archives)

The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries found this week that a Walmart store in St. Helens violated the state's nondiscrimination laws when it refused to sell a rifle to a woman who was not yet 21 years old.

Hannah Brumbles, 18, of Deer Island, Ore., filed a civil rights complaint with the state agency in April. She says Walmart discriminated against her by refusing to sell her a rifle, even though Oregon law says individuals over 18 may legally purchase firearms. BOLI agrees.

After stores stopped selling guns to young people under 21 in the wake of a mass shooting in Florida, Oregon teenagers revolted—filing three complaints alleging stores were violating the state constitution by discriminating on the basis of age.

Two previous complaints filed with BOLI were withdrawn before the agency could finish its civil rights investigations.

Brumbles' case is set for a hearing in November to determine damages, which could be as high as $5,000.

It also sets a precedent: Stores are legally obligated to sell guns to 18-year-olds in Oregon, unless lawmakers act.

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