City Commissioner Chloe Eudaly Opens the Door to Changing the Neighborhood Association Proposal

"The proposal may look different than it does now."

Commissioner Chloe Eudaly. (Wesley Lapointe)

Hours after WW uncovered emails showing City Commissioner Chloe Eudaly threatened a colleague with political ruin, Eudaly offered a more conciliatory public message about the future of neighborhood associations.

"The proposal may look different than it does now, but there is widespread agreement on the values asserted and the fundamental purpose of a more equitable and inclusive policy," she wrote on her official Facebook page Sept. 18.

She promised to talk with her colleagues and community members before debuting a new version of the plan for the Office of Civic and Community Life, which oversees neighborhoods. That may signal an overhaul of the proposal—which appears necessary, since she has no other votes on the City Commission for the proposed ordinance.

Eudaly has been shepherding an effort to change the way the city invites citizen involvement and has advocated for an overhaul of the city's recognition of neighborhood associations, a system that has excluded other groups.

In Sept. 10 emails Eudaly sent to Mayor Ted Wheeler as well as Commissioner Nick Fish and Jo Ann Hardesty, which WW first reported earlier this week, Eudaly implied they'd all face political consequences for failing to support the proposal. She was particularly irked with Commissioner Amanda Fritz, who is a fierce advocate of neighborhood associations.

"I have barely begun to rally support," Eudaly wrote in the email. "You may have noticed I'm really good at rallying support."

Related: Commissioner Chloe Eudaly Threatens Colleagues at City Hall With Political Consequences If They Don't Support Her Plan to Weaken Neighborhood Associations

Eudaly did not apologize, but she acknowledged that she could have listened more to her critics.

"It was initially hard for me to see past the wild speculations and false accusations to hear the legitimate concerns behind them," she wrote. "No one is at their best when under attack."

She says she'll now be talking to "community, all involved bureaus, and my colleagues. I have a list of questions I need answered and ideas to vet," she added.

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