Fight Over Prologis Warehouse Intensifies

Opponents say the project would pump more diesel exhaust into a neighborhood that’s already choking on it.

Vacant Parkrose Kmart (Mick Hangland-Skill)

Citizen opponents of a 260,000-square-foot Prologis freight warehouse planned for the Argay Terrace neighborhood in East Portland are scheduled to testify before the Portland City Council on Wednesday.

Prologis plans to knock down the old Kmart on Northeast Sandy Boulevard that’s controlled by real estate mogul Zygmunt Wilf, owner of the Minnesota Vikings, and build the warehouse to move merchandise for companies like Amazon and Home Depot.

Opponents say the project would pump more diesel exhaust into a neighborhood that’s already choking on it, and that truck traffic would endanger students at nearby schools.

Elizabeth Durant, chair of the Parkrose School Board, planned to read a statement from students, who are busy taking exams. “Our students are worried about the air they breathe,” Durant tells WW.

The main permit for the warehouse is still under review, says Portland Bureau of Development Services spokesman Ken Ray. The demolition permit for the old Kmart is “approved to issue,” and BDS is waiting for payment on it, Ray adds.

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