Readers Respond to the Choice Between Gonzalez and Rubio

“Turning the mayoral race into a two-person contest is unethical.”

Debate moderator Ken Boddie (left), mayoral candidate and CEO of Titan Freight Keith Wilson (center left), Portland City Commissioner Rene Gonzalez (center right), Portland City Commissioner Carmen Rubio (right). (Jake Nelson)

Last week we put leading mayoral candidates Carmen Rubio and Rene Gonzalez on the cover driving bumper cars in a nod to their abysmal driving records (“Collision Course,” WW, Sept. 18). The joke aged pretty well. The Oregonian reported hours later that Rubio hit a Tesla in a parking lot and then left without leaving a note. That news, paired with two WW profiles that described how both Rubio and Gonzalez each fall short of being a fully realized candidate, left readers in a bitter mood. Few came to the defense of either candidate. Here’s what they had to say:

Michael Andersen, via Twitter: “Sophie Peel’s profile of Carmen Rubio nails the case for her—and also the reason 150 parking and driving tickets and six license suspensions for lack of payment undermine it.”

Harley Lieber, via “With her driving record, accidents, suspended license episodes, [plus] non-payment of parking fines, she should be restricted to walking for mayor rather than running.”

NotPabst404, via Reddit: “The old guard badly wants Gonzalez, especially with how weak of a candidate Rubio was. The left is going to have to suck it up and vote for someone like Wilson or Mapps at 1 to have a chance at beating him.

“The PPA/PPB/PBA/establishment media have put all of their resources into Gonzalez due to the new system, we have to defeat them.”

Aestro17, via Reddit: “I thought this was a fair assessment. I’ve liked [Rubio] on council but her campaign has been virtually non-existent, even if her driving record weren’t damning.”

Aynsley Saucier, via “Rene Gonzalez wouldn’t get my vote for dogcatcher.”

Darkest Timeline, via Twitter: “So he has no policy wins, can’t budget, and is totally owned by the police and firefighters. Also he can’t deal with any group or individual that disagrees with him because he thinks they’re all ‘targeting’ him. Wowsa.”

7 Bad Words, via “Rubio’s campaign is based on tactical accomplishments (if you can call them accomplishments, a’hem PCEF...), not strategic vision for Portland’s future. Leadership starts with vision, then flows to execution. If you don’t know—or can’t explain—your vision for Portland’s future, how in the world are you going to make it happen? How are you going to corral 12 city councilors and work with county and metro when you can’t answer the simple question posed by a friendly reporter on your front porch?”

Gordon Garland, via email: “Turning the mayoral race into a two-person contest is unethical. To do so is a disservice to the citizens. It is much worse than the major media national two-party circus. Please do the right thing.”


I am writing to express my deep concern regarding a recent article [”Resident at Bend Senior Care Facility Died After Being Left Out in the Sun,”, Sept. 20]. At 17 years old, I find it alarming that the neglect of our elders has become a frequent occurrence. This issue hits close to home for me as my 91-year-old grandmother will soon be moving into a senior care facility. As a concerned family member, I believe it is crucial to shed more light on the understaffing and lack of care in these facilities. Loved ones should be entering these homes expecting to be cared for and happy, not left unattended for hours.

Research has shown that the most common cause of death in nursing homes is neglect by the staff, leading to issues such as dehydration, malnutrition, bedsores, and infection. The role of a caregiver is to provide care, yet this is clearly not happening. There is a pressing need for stricter hiring procedures, adequate staffing levels, safety protocols, and regular check-ins with patients to ensure their comfort and well-being.

I am keen to understand the actions being taken to address this crisis and, if not, what the community can do to remedy the situation.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Olivia Moralez Milwaukie

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