Readers Respond to WW’s Fall Endorsements

“The fact that you think Sam Adams should be anywhere near public office again, after all the horrible things he’s done, is truly insane.”

HOT PINK: City Council candidate Jesse Cornett visits Revolution Hall for a forum. (Brian Brose)

The easiest time of year for collecting reader comments is the one that follows our election endorsements (“It’s Not Rocket Science,” WW, Oct. 16). It’s like picking up golf balls at a driving range: They’re landing everywhere, and it’s best to wear a helmet. The selections that drew the most commentary were Keith Wilson for Portland mayor (readers were pleasantly surprised) and Sam Adams for Multnomah County commissioner, District 2 (some surprise, none pleasant). Remember, ballots must be mailed or dropped off by 8 pm Tuesday, Nov. 5. Here’s what our readers had to say:

omnichord, via Reddit: “Huge props to WW for making this endorsement, not just for [Keith] Wilson but for the ranking order. I think it shows a real understanding of the city.

“I think it’s very tempting to feel frustrated with the state of things and get pulled into Rene [Gonzalez]’s rhetoric, but he has no magical power to fix things any more so than anyone else, and I think he’d cause a lot of drama.

“I think what we need most of all is someone pragmatic and efficient who really loves Portland, and I think that is Wilson.”

Kaye Norman, via made a huge mistake in choosing Wilson over Gonzalez. Rene Gonzalez IS the right choice. The city has been wrecked by people living on the streets and needs a healthy dose of law and order. Gonzalez is the one who has the fortitude to do that.

“Pandering to the so-called homeless (a euphemism for drug addicts and mentally ill) has kept the city mired in filth and crime. The homeless don’t need pity, and giving them a pod won’t eliminate the cause of their homelessness.

“They need real help that comes from tough choices like get off drugs, get mental health treatment or go to jail. Yes, change is hard. If it was easy, they’d have done it on their own. They need a push.”

isaac32767, via Reddit: “I agree with the logic that made Wilson and Rubio their first and second choices. But if they think Gonzalez would ‘create as many crises as he’d solve,’ why rank him at all? If they can’t bring themselves to rank Mapps or Osthus, they should stop at two.

“I love WW’s journalism, and I financially support them through Friends of WW (and so should you), but I’ve always found their political endorsements demented.”

sdf_cardinal, via Reddit: “The Sam Adams endorsement calls their logic on every candidate into question. Hard pass.”

Dorothy Foley, via email: “Are you people stupid, insane, or both? Endorsing Adams??? I used to think you had an appreciable view of Portland—not now.”

Damon Motz-Storey, via Twitter: “Absolutely insane to endorse Sam Adams while also pearl-clutching about Rubio’s driving record.

“Adams dated a minor, can’t get things done, harasses women, has anger issues...

“What would it take for a white man who serves wealthy interests to truly fall from grace?”

Snowden42, via Reddit:WW absolutely fucking roasting [Jessica Vega Pederson] in their Adams endorsement is giving me life. I’m going be holding my nose and voting for Adams because we simply cannot afford to elect another JVP toadie.”

Community Protection Bureau, via Twitter: “What little integrity you had left as a news publication is all but spent with this disgusting endorsement.

“The fact that you think Sam Adams should be anywhere near public office again, after all the horrible things he’s done, is truly insane.”

RPM 330, via Week runs the table for Democrats. They list the parking ticket queen as second in line for mayor. Bynum, the criminals’ favorite, is also WW’s favorite. These endorsements are ridiculous.”


An endorsement for Portland City Council District 3 incorrectly said that a teachers’ strike cost students 18 days of school. In fact, the strike canceled 11 days of instruction. WW regrets the error.

Letters to the editor must include the author’s street address and phone number for verification. Letters must be 250 or fewer words. Submit to: P.O. Box 10770, Portland, OR 97296 Email:

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