As Teachers’ Strike Enters Third Week, There’s Turmoil at Another School Union

The Portland Federation of School Professionals has failed to ratify its contract twice this fall and is now out a president.

READY TO STRIKE: At an October rally for the Portland Association of Teachers. (Brian Burk)

Students have been out of Portland Public Schools classrooms since Nov. 1, cancelling 9 days of instruction. That means Portland’s teachers’ strike has blown past recent ones in Seattle, Los Angeles, and Vancouver, Wash., which all lasted a week or less. Minneapolis (20 days), here we come!

Meanwhile, there’s turmoil at yet another union for school employees: The Portland Federation of School Professionals has failed to ratify its contract twice this fall and is now out a president.

John MacDuffee, the previous president, stepped down Oct. 8, after contracting COVID at a conference. “I am no longer capable of performing the duties of PFSP president to my expectations,” he wrote in an email to members, adding that he would take vacation immediately through his retirement date of Nov. 30.

Elizabeth Held, a paraeducator at Ockley Green Middle School, has stepped in as acting president. Held has served in a variety of roles at the union, such as secretary, health and welfare trustee and member services specialist.

“We in the office wish [MacDuffee] only the best as he continues to recover,” Held says. “While it has certainly been a challenging time to step into the role of acting president, I am grateful for the opportunity to serve our members.”

PFSP represents 1,350 members, including school administrative assistants, paraeducators, library assistants, and campus safety associates. They are bargaining for a three-year contract that provides a living wage and safe working conditions, the union says.

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