Sen. Mark Hass Officially Concedes Democratic Secretary of State Primary to Sen. Shemia Fagan

“It was an extremely tight race. In the end, I lost in double overtime,” he wrote.

State Sen. Mark Hass
State Sen. Mark Hass (D-Beaverton) today issued a statement publicly conceding the Democratic nomination for secretary of state to his caucus mate, state Sen. Shemia Fagan (D-Portland).
The final result before the tiny percentage of challenged ballots is counted next week: Fagan, 36.13 percent; Hass, 35.57 percent; and Jamie McLeod-Skinner, 27.49 percent.
Hass posted his statement on Facebook.
“It was an extremely tight race. In the end, I lost in double overtime,” he wrote.
“I’m at peace. I kept my vow to run a positive campaign, heavy on ideas and substance, light on politics. This was important to me. It was a wild ride, with more twists and turns than a Spielberg movie. I congratulated Shemia—three days after she congratulated me,” Hass continued. “I wish her the best. I’m fortunate to count her and Jamie McLeod-Skinner as friends.
“For all of our volunteers—old friends and new friends—there are no words to sufficiently express my gratitude. I will never forget you.
“I thank my wonderful wife, Tamra, for her constant cheering on. I thank Nick Salter for turning a ragtag team into a first-class campaign.
“And I thank the good Lord for keeping me grounded and at peace.
“In this terrible pandemic, losing a political contest doesn’t rank too high as a
serious problem. So I am taking this in stride, grateful to all who engaged in our democratic process, grateful for my blessings and with my best wishes to all Oregonians.”

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