For Second Day in a Row, Oregon Reported a Record Number of COVID-19 Cases: 1,509

Multnomah County also hit a record: 414. The previous daily record for the county was 375 cases, two days ago.

Walking in downtown Portland. (Alex Wittwer)

Oregon reported a record number of COVID-19 cases for the second day in row: 1,509.

Multnomah County also hit another record, with 414 cases. The previous daily record for the county was 375 cases, two days ago.

The Oregon Health Authority press release called the record numbers a reflection of the "accelerating spread of the virus across the state."

Gov. Kate Brown has closed restaurants and bars statewide to all but takeout as well as closing down gyms, spas and museums for two weeks. Portland leaders have warned people to expect the freeze to last four weeks.

Brown has forbidden more than six people from more than two households to gather, including for Thanksgiving dinner.

She even told KGW-TV that it would appropriate to call the cops on neighbors who don't follow the rules.

"Look, this is no different than what happens if there's a party down the street and it's keeping everyone awake," Brown said. "What do neighbors do? They call law enforcement because it's too noisy."

Portland police say they aren't preparing to raid homes during Thanksgiving dinner, and both the Marion and Linn County sheriff's departments issued statements late this week refusing to criminally enforce the party ban.

Correction: A previous version of this story incorrectly said the Lane County sheriff's department had refused to enforce the ban.

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