Kotek’s Education Initiative Adviser Moves On

Pooja Bhatt had made it clear from the beginning her tenure would be limited.

Tina Kotek on election night. (Brian Burk)

Pooja Bhatt, who has served as education initiative adviser to Gov. Tina Kotek since the beginning of Kotek’s administration, tendered her resignation on Sept. 27.

Unlike some of the other departures from Kotek’s staff this year, Bhatt’s decision had nothing to do with first lady Aimee Kotek Wilson. Rather, Bhatt, who focused on improving outcomes for K–12, particularly literacy, had made it clear from the beginning her tenure would be limited.

“When I accepted this role, I made a two-year commitment and as we approach that mark, I realize that making the transition now will be more practical in the long run,” Bhatt wrote in her resignation letter.

During her time in Kotek’s office, Bhatt worked with lawmakers to add funding for summer school and child care and helped update the calculation for establishing the K–12 budget, which Kotek expects to add $515 million to in the 2025–27 budget.

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