Best Ribs in Portland | Best Imperial IPAs | Portland Parks as Metaphorical House
Local Disc Golf Courses | Portland Lawn Games from Bocce to Quidditch | Swimming Holes
Local Outdoor Gear | The Great and Mighty Summer Super Calendar
Who really needs tips for enjoying summer in Portland? Grab a knapsack, blanket, bottle and the novel that's been lingering on your shelf since Christmas and head to the nearest park. If you've got a friend and a Frisbee, so much the better.
And yet, sometimes the real fun comes from a little planning. These long and warm days are few and fleeting. It makes sense to go beyond the blanket.
We're here to help.
On your behalf, we cannonballed into shady swimming holes on the chilly rivers around town, compiled a primer on local disc-golf courses and found the best places to gently toss bocce balls around.
If you want to just sit in a park, we've got that, too. Everyone knows Pioneer Courthouse Square is Portland's living room, so we're taking you to Portland's wet bar, bathroom and basement futon. And if you're headed to a park in the piney wilds outside town, we strongly advise you check out some of the cool, locally made outdoor gear.
After all that, you're probably going to want some barbecue and beer. We gnawed the bones at 22 local rib shacks and drank 40 double IPAs to tell you about the best 'cue and brew in town.
Sometimes, a schedule helps. So we've put together a summer events calendar to rule them all, with one awesome event happening each and every day between now and Labor Day. We hope to see you at all of these events. Literally: Send us your selfies at events on our Summer Super Calendar with the hashtag #SummeringPDX via Twitter or Instagram and we'll enter you to win $100 gift certificates and passes to MusicfestNW.
Have fun out there—and let us see you smiling, sunburnt and covered in barbecue sauce.
WWeek 2015