Find Your Perfect Portland Pride Event

Our favorite events at Portland Pride 2015.

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Pride at Hollywood Theatre

It's the summer of 1984 and the British National Union of Mineworkers is on strike against conservative meanie Margaret Thatcher. A group of gay and lesbian activists want to help the miners, but union leaders are too embarrassed to accept their support. Undeterred, the activists pile into a minibus and travel to a village in Wales to volunteer in person. Pride is the way smart people kick off the weekend. Hollywood Theatre, 4122 NE Sandy Blvd., 493-1128. 7 pm Wednesday, June 10. $6.

Queerest Bike Ride of the Year

It's the queerest, and also probably the chillest. Pedal along the esplanade until you find a good spot to plop down and enjoy the sunset. Hosted by the Sexual and Gender Minority Youth Research Center. South Park Blocks at Southwest Columbia Street. 5 pm Thursday, June 11.

Flare Party

Flamethrowers. Yes, real live fire in the air! There will also be graffiti artists and three giant geodesic domes (we also had to look it up), along with fancy cocktails and celebrity DJs. Did we mention the flamethrowers? The Redd, 831 SE Salmon St., 7 pm Thursday, June 11. $15. 21+.

Drag Queen Bingo

Just one droplet of Portland drag queen extraordinaire Poison Waters can transform boring, old bingo into a dangerously sexy and hilarious festival of glitz and glam. Keep laughing afterward with the evening's featured film, The Birdcage (1996), in which the gay owner (Robin Williams) of a South Beach drag club meets his son's soon-to-be in-laws, a super-conservative Republican senator and his wife. McMenamins Mission Theater, 1624 NW Glisan St., 223-4527. 6 pm Friday, June 12. $15. 21+.

Pride Glow Run

Even if you already have enough 5k T-shirts, the Glow Run is still worth it. Registration packets include glow bracelets and necklaces, and an LED baton. You'll probably want to hit Goodwill for more neon, though, so you don't, you know, stand out. Hosted by Pride NW. Southwest Morrison Street and Naito Parkway. 9 pm Friday, June 12. Registration starts at $35. For more details, see

Bearracuda and Lumbertwink

"A fun, friendly party for bears, cubs and other wildlife." We think that says it all. If you want even more bear hair, don't miss Lumbertwink two days later. Bearracuda at Branx, 320 SE 2nd Ave., 234-5683. 9 pm Friday, June 12. $5 before 10 pm, $7 after. 21+. Lumbertwink at Funhouse Lounge, 2432 SE 11th Ave., 841-6734. 3-10 pm Sunday, June 14. $6 in plaid, $10 without. 21+.

Trans Pride March

March, everyone! Really, everyone: Men, women, in between, or fuck that, this protest is for you. Lace up your marching shoes and paint your signs to help spread the spirit of acceptance. Hosted by more than 25 organizations. Northwest Park Avenue and West Burnside Street. 3:30 pm, Saturday, June 13. Free.

ABBAQueen: A Royal Celebration with Portland Gay Men's Chorus

Voulez-vous rockez avec moi? Expect a '70s musical mash-up of ABBA and Queen, performed in a plethora of polyester. Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, 1037 SW Broadway, 248-4335. 7 pm Saturday, June 13. $15-$48.

Inferno Pride

Hotflash dance company brings a party for women and anyone across the trans spectrum. But hold your horses, guys—the Gaylabration dance takes over at 10 pm, for everyone across the gamut of the LGBTQ community. Crystal Ballroom, 1332 W Burnside St., 225-0047. 6-10 pm Saturday, June 13. $12 advance, $15 at door. Gaylabration starts at 10 pm. $20-$60. 21+.

Stark Street Block Party

It's the 10th anniversary of Scandals' weekendlong celebration of drag, DJs and drink. Bring a few bucks to support Peacock Productions, which sends LGBTQ kids to college, and Cascade Aids Project. Scandals, 1125 SW Stark St., 227-5887. Noon Friday-midnight Sunday, June 12-14. Suggested donation $5. 21+.

Big Gay Boat Ride

Party on a boat with big-name drag queens. Hosted by drag clown Carla Rossi and drag hottie Alexis Campbell Starr, both from Portland, and featuring Coco Peru, Heklina, Poison Waters and Trixie Mattel. Please, cap'n, can I wear my heels? Portland Spirit, docking at Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Southwest Naito Parkway and Salmon Street. 2:30 pm Sunday, June 14. Sold out. 21+.

Haircuts with Wild Planet Radio

Only the truly self-confident get their hair cut by a radio station. At least it's free. Under the Morrison Bridge at the Southwest Waterfront. 6:30–9 pm, Sunday, June 14. Free. 

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