Guess Who?

Get ready for a night of geekery.


How much does it cost to build a TARDIS? Whovians will deluge Rock Bottom Brewery with obscure answers like “4,328 British pounds” at the Geeks Who Drink Doctor Who-themed pub quiz this Thursday. Boost your knowledge of the Master’s past and the greater history of Gallifrey, with these three essential adventures. 

"The Deadly Assassin" (1976): Time Lord society is thoroughly explored as the Doctor and a skeletal Master court danger on their native planet. This adventure is still the canonical text on the Doctor's people, introducing the baroque Time Lord costumes, the Prydonian Chapter that the Doctor belongs to, the subverted but well-remembered limit on regeneration, and the Panopticon—that's the center of Time Lord government. It also includes one of the show's most memorable—and violent—cliffhangers.

"Logopolis" (1981): Haunted by entropy and a mysterious Watcher, the Fourth Doctor meets his end, but this adventure introduces just a few of the Master's many classic trademarks. His TARDIS assumes its iconic Doric column form, he hypnotizes his victims and possesses their bodies, a radio telescope features in his plan, and the classic Tissue Compression Eliminator returns as the favored killing tool. "Logopolis" also features one of two instances in which the Doctor's and Master's TARDISes each materialize inside the other's console room in a recursive loop.

"Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" (2013): Set entirely inside the dimensionally transcendent TARDIS, this episode features more exposition of the Doctor's sentient time ship than any other. We glimpse the oft-mentioned swimming pool, a room full of gadgets and clothing from past adventures, the Eye of Harmony itself, and an immense library complete with the Doctor's copy of The History of the Time War. The background noise is laced with sound clips from numerous classic serials, making this like a SparkNotes version of the series.

GO: Don't Blink: A Doctor Who Quiz is at Rock Bottom Brewery, 206 SW Morrison St., 8 pm Thursday, Sept. 17.

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