Is this your first show since all your medical problems arose?
Can you offer an update on the condition of your recovery?
[John Weinland's] Adam Shearer had mentioned that you're doing better but that you've still got the whole second round of surgery yet to go. How does it feel to be able to play live again knowing that you won't be able to play (maybe at all) for another period of time?
Have you started working on any new material?
Has your experience with illness made you want to write more or made you feel especially creative, or do you think you'll need more time and distance to reach that point?
What lies ahead for you, musically and health-wise, and what's your attitude regarding those things? Are you still feeling hopeful and relatively lucky for the support you've had?
Vecchiarelli plays Thursday, March 8, at Mississippi Studios with Gravity and Henry and Foureveryoung. 8 pm. $7 advance, $8 day of show. 21+.
WWeek 2015