The day booksellers have been dreading is here. Amazon announced in a statement yesterday that it now sells more e-books than print books. For every 100 print books sold since April 1, Amazon has sold 105 Kindle e-books. ---
So if e-books are the way of the future, what does the news mean for Portland's booksellers?
Powell's Books
Consumer behaviorâhow, where, and what people readâhas changed dramatically over the past several years
Itâs amazing sometimes people donât even know we have a website, let alone e-books.
Powellâs main game plan to combat the e-book revolution is focusing more on phones.
Smaller Portland booksellers are feeling the Kindle crunch, too
For Portland publisher
, e-books have been a boon for business.

the numbers released by Amazon yesterday may be misleading
WWeek 2015