Mary Nolan is a Candidate for Planned Parenthood Director Gig

Mary Nolan

Former Portland City Council candidate and soon-to-be ex Rep. Mary Nolan is a candidate for the top job at Planned Parenthood of the Columbia-Willamette.

The nonprofit confirmed to WW this afternoon that Nolan, who lost a bid to unseat incumbent City Commissioner Amanda Fritz in November, is a candidate for the CEO position. She would replace David Greenberg, who left his $196,000 a-year-post earlier this year following contentious contract negotiations with the Service Employees International Union.

Nolan, 58, a 12-year progressive Democratic state legislator, may be more politically in line with the pro-choice nonprofit and its supporters than its last finalist, Judy Peppler, who backed Republican John McCain's presidential run in 2008, and the campaign of Republican Chris Dudley for Oregon governor in 2010.

Nolan also confirmed that she is in talks with Planned Parenthood, but declined further comment.

"My take on it is I don't want to have a public take on it," she said.

Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Liz Delapoer declined to say if any other candidates were in the running to become CEO, and also would not say how far along their process with Nolan has gone.

She did, however, say the board hopes to have someone in place in early 2013.

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