Today's edition of WW's Murmurs opens with an item about how fluoridation opponents started a Facebook page with nearly the same name ("Healthy Portland, Healthy Kids") as the political campaign supporting this May's fluoride ballot measure ("Healthy Kids, Healthy Portland").
But no sooner did WW go to press than that doppelgänger Facebook page disappeared.
Kimberly Kaminski, executive director of anti-fluoridation nonprofit Clean Water Portland, says the page was created without the support of the campaign—and taken down before she asked. She says an anti-fluoride activist independently created the page as a spoof.
"We made clear […] that Clean Water Portland did not support the page and he agreed to take it down," Kaminski said Tuesday night. "It is also my understanding that a volunteer and part-time contractor added people to the discussion group without their consent. It wasn't something Clean Water Portland supported or endorsed. Myself and others in our organization did not even know about this page until it was brought to our attention today."
WW did manage to grab a few screen captures of the parody Facebook page before its demise. Here's the logo:

WWeek 2015