Lawmaker Proposes Stripping TriMet Authority From Governor

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Everybody wants to fix TriMet, the beleagured transit agency. Currently, Gov. John Kitzhaber is responsible for appointing TriMet's seven-member board. Those board members must live in geographical districts.

Now, State Rep. Chris Gorsek (D-Troutdale) wants to change that governance system. Gorsek is sponsoring House Bill 3316, which expand the board to eleven members and would give each of the three metro area counties—Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas— plus the City of Portland and Metro two nominees each and preserve one nominee for the governor.

The amended bill replaces an earlier draft that proposed forcing Metro to take over TriMet.

Gorsek, a rookie lawmaker, says he means no slight to Kitzhaber.

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April 15

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