Food, Uncomplicated: Pan-Seared Steak - VIDEO

Cooking Doesn't Have to Be Difficult

Willamette Week's offices have an occasional ace in our back pocket: Our resident computer expert is also a self-professed food geek—and one-time trivia show contestant on VH1—obsessed with the obscure minutiae of sous-vide temperatures, spice sourcing and whether it's the oil or the vinegar that softens your raw kale. (Blame the oil.) Whenever the whim strikes, Brian Panganiban has been kind enough to cook up his fine preparations, from bulgogi to waffles, for all of the fine and awful and sort-of-okay people at our offices. 

So we did what we always do: We took advantage. We totally browbeat him into sharing his cooking skills with you, our dear readers.Every now and then, according to similar whim, he'll serve up another episode of Food, Uncomplicated, an irregular web series devoted to the idea that cooking good food is way easier than you thought it was.


WWeek 2015

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