Three New Food Carts Will Open at City Hall Tuesday

Fuego Burrito at 11:15 Monday, Aug. 26

Mayor Charlie Hales has not given up on his plan for a food cart pod in front of City Hall.

Far from it: An email obtained by WW shows the city's facilities department has persuaded three new food carts to open Tuesday in the courtyard in front of City Hall.

The carts are Al Forno Ferruzza, Saigon Noodle and Olympic Provisions.

Hales set up the City Hall picnic area in July to replace homeless campsites he swept from the Southwest 4th Avenue sidewalk. But the only cart to move in front of the building—downtown stalwart Fuego Burrito—quickly fled down the street, citing slow business and harassment by homeless protesters.

That setback has apparently not deterred Hales, whose weekly calendar includes an appointment for 11:45 am tomorrow for a "facilities event." Which cart will he choose for lunch?

UPDATE, 2:26 pm: Hales' spokeswoman KC Cowan confirms the relaunch of the City Hall cart pod. She says the mayor is hoping the new carts will avoid harassment through safety in numbers.

"We are all hoping that that is not going to be an issue," Cowan says. "We have three carts, not just one. The one person felt a little intimidated being alone there."

ORIGINAL POST, 2:03 pm: Here's the complete text of today's email, sent from the facilities department to all city employees.

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