This morning, 26 climbers from Greenpeace suspended themselves from the St. Johns Bridge to create a human wall to stop a Shell ship from leaving Portland, where it is stopped for repairs. "Our goal is to basically demonstrate as much community resistance to Shell's plans to drill for oil and secure new oil reserves in the Arctic," Meredith Cocks with environmental group Portland Rising Tide told NBC News.
If there was a day that could be considered perfect for a protest-by-water, this would be that day. With the sun out and temperatures in the high 90s, the people hanging from the bridge and the kayakers who came out to support them were a dramatic sight that brought out news crews, gawkers and people who just wanted a good show while they smoked weed in Cathedral Park. At the boat launch, anyone who wanted to could rent a kayak free with ID and join the protest themselves.
It's not yet clear how long the protesters will remain suspended above the river but you can follow along on Twitter with #ShellNo or by signing up for text alerts from Portland Rising Tide.
All photos by Kat Merck.

WWeek 2015