Terry Bean's Alleged Victim is Missing, Prosecutors Say


The 17-year-old alleged victim in the sex-abuse case against Portland developer and Democratic Party activist Terry Bean has gone missing, prosecutors told a Lane County judge this morning.

The Register-Guard in Eugene reports that the missing teenager could delay or derail Bean's Aug. 11 trial for two counts of third-degree sodomy, a felony, and one count of sexual abuse in the third degree, a misdemeanor.

"We're continuing to put all available resources toward that issue," Clackamas County Deputy District Attorney Scott Healy told The Register-Guard this morning.

Bean disclosed in court records July 2 that he reached a settlement with his accuser, a 17-year-old boy who was 15 when the crimes allegedly occured in 2013.

In response filings, prosecutors say the settlement Bean has reached with this alleged victim includes a cash payment.

But Lane County Circuit Court Judge Charles M. Zennache rejected the compromise July 16, saying Bean must stand trial. 

UPDATE, 5:15 pm: Bean's attorney Derek Ashton issued a brief statement to WW: "As we have been saying since day one, Terry Bean is innocent and we are preparing for trial."

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