JA BizTown Summer Camps Are Action-Packed and Immersive

Kids will learn to run a business, manage the money they earn, and even create a pitch for a brand-new business idea.

Where can kids age 10-14 run an entire town? Where could an 11-year-old be elected mayor, and a 10-year-old host a TV news program? Where could your student work together with other campers their age to make an entire economy succeed? At JA BizTown Summer Camp! Camps run June 23-27 PDX, July 7-11 (HB), July 21-21 (PDX), August 4-8 (HB) and are open to kids ages 10-14.

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Join Junior Achievment for this action-packed, immersive camp experience where students will run a business, manage the money they earn, and even create a pitch for a brand-new business idea!

Visit jaorswwa.org/ja-biztown-summer-camp-1-1 to learn more.

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